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6 Tips for Installing a Kitchen Backsplash

By Mike in Miscellaneous with 0 Comments

One of the easiest ways to upgrade your kitchen without doing an entire remodel is installing a backsplash. It can be as cheap as just a few dollars per square foot, and you can finish the project in a week. Not only does the delicate texture of the tile add visual interest to the area, but it also prevents unsightly water stains on the wall behind the sink and stove. If you are planning on doing this DIY project, the Little Italy San Diego real estate experts at 92101 Urban Living have 6 tips to make the process easier.

1. Pick Tiles That Complement Your Counter

Don’t be one of those homeowners who makes the mistake of installing an extremely colorful and busy backsplash over a speckled granite countertop. This can lead to some unpleasant design clashes because you cannot easily change your countertops if they look bad with the backsplash. Choose more elaborate patterns if your counters are plain, or pick a tastefully simple design if you have busy countertops.

2. Consider Accent Tiles

If you fall in love with beautiful yet expensive tiles, do not feel like you have to give them up to save your budget. You can pair more elaborate tiles with a surrounding pattern of simple tiles to create a distinctively stylish backsplash without breaking the bank. When planning your pattern, put in your accent tiles first, then work outward.

3. Prep Your Kitchen Wisely

Even if you plan a great design for your backsplash, you may end up with a backsplash that appears amateur if you do not properly prepare your kitchen. Remove any outlet covers and apply tape around your countertops to avoid getting adhesive on them. Clean your walls thoroughly, fill in any dents, and sand them if they are glossy or not smooth. This ensures the backsplash will adhere properly.

4. Make Sure You Have a Gap at the Edges

Leave a ⅛-inch wide horizontal gap along the countertop edges. This is referred to as an expansion gap, and it ensures the tiles do not end up skewed, buckled, or crowded if they expand or contract during the drying process. After everything is grouted, this gap should be sealed with caulk or silicone.

5. Work in Small Sections

The thinset adhesive used for backsplashes dries quickly, so work in small sections of about a foot wide instead of spreading adhesive over the entire area at once. This allows you to take breaks to cut more tiles to the proper width. When you are not rushed, you can ensure everything looks even.

6. Pick the Right Grouting Method

After letting the adhesive dry for 24 hours, it will be time to grout your tile backsplash. If you have glass tiles, be sure to use an unsanded grout that will not scratch them. Apply it in gentle, diagonal strokes with a rubber grout float. The diagonal angle helps get grout into all the corners between the tiles.

Installing a backsplash is just one of the many projects you can enjoy doing once you’ve purchased real estate downtown. If you’re interested in seeing the latest lofts, penthouses, and condos for sale in Little Italy San Diego, get in touch with 92101 Urban Living today. Call 619-649-0368 to schedule an appointment. ')}