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Who Keeps the Gaslamp District in Downtown San Diego Clean & Safe?

By Mike in May 2010 with 0 Comments


Who Keeps the Gaslamp District in Downtown San Diego Clean & Safe?Can you believe that the Gaslamp District in Downtown San Diego has over 6.5 million visitors each year? There can be hundreds of guests every day and on weekends there are thousands. This does not include Downtown San Diego Condo & Loft home owners, residents and business owners! On holidays such as the Mardi Gras, we can expect over 50,000 people in one night.

After thinking about this for a while, I was wondering who actually cleans and keeps us safe each and every day? I mean it’s not just the regular street sweeping or daily trash that keeps the Gaslamp as clean as it appears. What I probably didn’t realize is the countless hours by hard working people that is spent every day.

After a little research…I found out that the Clean & Safe Program, which was introduced in 2000, is the main reason Downtown San Diego is this clean and safe. The program compromises two components; Maintenance Ambassador and Safety Ambassador. These two are working together as the Clean & Safe team; the individuals are committed to keeping Downtown San Diego clean, safe and friendly. The service area covers 272 blocks of Downtown and includes:

  • Columbia District
  • Core District
  • Marina District
  • Gaslamp District
  • East Village/Ballpark District
  • Cortez Hill District

Thanks to these people and the program we can all feel safe and trust the cleanliness of our city…to find out more about this program visit www.sdcleanandsafe.org. ')}