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As an owner of a downtown San Diego loft or condo, you may wonder whose job is it to deal with the broken tree limb that is now an obstacle on your morning coffee run or the missing street sign that you swear was there yesterday morning. Personally, I have often noticed overflowing trash cans therefore lining our streets with trash and pondered, if I don’t pick this up who will? Downtown San Diego is a beautiful place to live and keeping our city in tip top shape is a big job. Thankfully, Clean and Safe Downtown San Diego is here to help us do just that.So back to those queries…If you do notice those things or a slue of others, you have got to check out this fantastic diagram created by Clean and Safe Downtown San Diego. It gives you the numbers to agencies that handle those street corner dilemmas and all residents/business owners should be aware of this. And if you’re curious about Clean and Safe Downtown San Diego, go here and check out just what they do to keep our city so purty.Stay clean, San Diego. ')}