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Downtown San Diego Quiet Zone – Project Approved

By Mike in Downtown San Diego Real Estate Market Analysis|Downtown San Diego Urban Lifestyle|June 2010 with 0 Comments


Downtown San Diego Quiet Zone - Project Approved

The San Diego City Council has approved a $20.9 million plan to stop train horns in Downtown San Diego. The train noise that wakes you up in the middle of the night is about to stop.

The noise has been a major concern among Downtown San Diego Condo home owners, Downtown San Diego Loft home owners and residents. The plan includes safety improvements at 13 rail crossings from Laurel Street in the Little Italy District down to Park Blvd. in the East Village/Ballpark District.

To read the Union Tribune’s article click on Council approves downtown ‘quiet zone’ for trains.

To read 92101 Urban Living’s former blogs click on Downtown San Diego Quiet Zone is About to Limit the Noise From Train Horns! and Downtown San Diego Quiet Zone.
