Hot dogs, cold beer, and some fine baseball…ring a bell? If you haven’t been to a Petco Park game yet…I would recommend you go. The San Diego Padres regular season is coming to an end in the 2011 season. As a Downtown San Diego Condo & Loft home owner its always sad to see the season end as this brings such a good energy to the East Village/Ballpark District.
No matter what the outcome of the game is, Petco Park is one of the coolest stadiums and it sits right in the heart of Downtown San Diego. The San Diego Padres have won 6 out of their last 10 games. Their record for the 2011 season is 59 wins with 70 losses, and with only a few more home games this season be sure to stop in for one. To get your ticket in advance click on Petco Park or if want…just stop by the ticket stands and get one right before the game! ')}