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Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts sold by Price Range – October 2009!

By Mike in Downtown San Diego Real Estate Market Analysis|Downtown San Diego Urban Lifestyle|January 2010 with 0 Comments

Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts sold by Price Range - October 2009!

This graph shows Downtown San Diego Condos and Downtown San Diego Lofts sold by price range in October 2009.

120 units were sold during this time and 57 sales was in the range of $300,001-$500,000. 47 sales were in the range of $300,000 and under. 21 sales were in the range of $500,001-$700,000. 13 sales in the range of $700,001-1,000,000. 4 sales was in the range of $1,000,001-$1,500,000 and one sale in the range of $1,500,001-$2,000,000 and the last one sale went to the range of $2,000,001 and up.

To read 92101 Urban Living’s former blogs please visit Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts Sold by Average – January to October 2009!, Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts Sold November 2008 – October 2009!, Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts Sold by Neighborhood in October 2009! and Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts Sold by Type of Sale October 2009! ')}